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Fit is the Feature

We carry hundreds of styles with dozens of features, but the most important feature you should shop for is FIT. A shoe can have the latest high tech cushioning or support but those features cannot perform as advertised when the shoe does not fit you.

Properly fit shoes will:

  • Be More Comfortable
  • Allow your foot to mechanically function more naturally
  • Ease the pressure on the sensitive parts of your feet
  • Last longer

Our Staff is Here to Help

Our staff works with you to try to find just that selection of shoes that fit. They listen to your needs, measure both your feet and then guide you through our inventory.

Our Large Inventory Makes It Easy

We search the marketplace for footwear that fits well. Our inventory is full of sizes and widths that you just will not find in most stores. This extensive selection of sizes and widths make it possible for our staff to get you the best fit possible

Get the Right Shoe For You

Remember that footwear is a very individual thing. Someone you know may tell you how a particular shoe solved all of their problems. You will only get the same great results if the shoe fits you.